Set Up Instructions
Welcome to the Junk Scrubber User's Guide.
Junk Scrubber uses a software package called OpenProtect
to shield you from both spam and viruses. In tests performed by Shoreline
Web Developers, involving thousands of e-mails, Junk Scrubber eliminated over 95%
of all spam with no "false positives" (legitimate messages labeled as
Shoreline Web Developers provides this service Free
of charge with our standard hosting and e-mail service.
Please note that each separate e-mail account must be individually set
up on our system and configured. If you have any questions about Junk
Scrubber, feel free to send us an e-mail
There are two simple steps to set up and begin
using our spam and virus filter:
E-Mail Request.
To get started quickly, just send us an e-mail
requesting the spam/virus filter. Make sure to include your domain with a list of the e-mail accounts, for example:, which you want to include.
2. Configuring
Your E-mail Program
Configure your e-mail program to send spam and virus messages to appropriate
folders. Step by step instructions for this are shown below.
Step 2: Configuring Your E-mail Program
After you have requested Junk Scrubber, all spam and virus messages are
still received, but Junk Scrubber has placed a Flag in the Subject Line.
This Flag is now used to send such messages to "Junk" Folders, instead
of jamming your Inbox.
If you use Outlook Express, the exact instructions are shown below. If
you use any other e-mail program, the procedure to set up your system
will be somewhat different, however, the basics will be the same.
You will need to set up one folder for spam and another for viruses.
Then tell your program to send messages flagged as spam {Spam?} to
the spam folder, and messages flagged as virus {Virus?} or {Filename?}
to the virus folder.
For advanced users, use your message filter system to create these two
1. To deliver any messages with the {Spam?}
tag in the Subject Line to a folder called Spam.
2. To deliver any messages with the {Virus?}
or {Filename?} tag in the Subject Line to a folder called Virus.
you are not sure how to do this, follow these simple instructions to set
up your e-mail program:
Step 1.
Right click
on "Local Folders".
Left click on
"New Folder..."
Step 2.
Type Spam
as your new folder name.
Then click OK.
Repeat Steps
1 & 2 to create another new folder called Virus.
Step 3.
Click on
Message Rules
Step 4.
In the Message
Rules window -
click New.
Step 5.
First, we will
set up the rule to filter spam.
Under Section
1 of New Mail Rule
Click the checkbox
next to:
"Where the Subject line contains specific
Under Section
Click the checkbox
next to:
"Move it to the specified folder"
Step 6.
Under Section
click the blue
link that says,
specific words".
Then type into
the text box as shown,
Click the Add
button and the {Spam?} tag will appear in the lower text
Finally, click
Step 7.
Still under
Section 3
click the blue
link that says,
Select the Spam
folder you created earlier.
Finally, click
Step 8.
The screenshot
at left shows what you should see so far.
Make sure the
Rule Description at bottom appears as you see it here.
Now, click the
New button again.
Step 9.
Now we set up
the rule for viruses.
As in Step 5
above, click the checkbox next to: "Where
the Subject line contains specific words" under
Section 1. Then, click the checkbox
next to: "Move
it to the specified folder"
under Section 2.
Under Section
click the "contains
specific words" link.
In the upper
text box, type {Virus?} then click the Add button.
Now type {Filename?} in the same upper text box and click
the Add button again. Click
the OK button.
As in Step 7
above, click the blue link that says,
this time, select the Virus folder you created earlier.
Finally, click
Step 10.
The set up is
now complete and the screenshot at left shows what you should see.
Make sure the
Rule Description at bottom appears as you see it here.
To finalize
all this, click the OK button.
you're done.
Your spam and
virus troubled are over!
"false positives" (legitimate messages labeled as spam)
are unlikely, you should quickly scan through your Spam and Virus
folders periodically. How often is up to you. We recommend at least
once a week.
Now that
you've read the setup instructions, you can proceed!
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